As you can see, I have a new look. Over the weekend, I was visiting the home of two dear friends (who just happen to host this site) and I commented that I needed to get off my butt and find a new theme since the old one wasn’t working for me. A quick series of questions later and my friend told me she’d work up a color palette and theme for me. To my delight and surprise, there was an email waiting for me this morning which featured screenshots of her proposed theme with a variety of color variations. What you see before you was the one I liked the most – it’s clean but earthy, the nice bright andalusian tiles remind me of a kitchen backsplash and the header features many of the spices that are so critical to the food styles that I tend to prefer to cook in the Society for Creative Anachronism. In short, I love it. So very special thank you’s go to my SCA belt-sister and dear friend, Heather/Kelly for developing this theme for me.
With the Coronation feast out of the way, I will start posting the recipes that I made for that feast with my observations from the trial recipes and the how things worked day of.