The last week has been a process of studying a bit about this lifestyle change and about purging a lot of the things I need to get rid of.  I finally went through the kitchen and purged the flour, cleaning out the pantry of things we can’t have on this Primal food plan.   Today I picked up some spices, got myself a few ingredients I needed – got annoyed that the place that use to carry half of what I wanted no longer does.

For all I say low-carb, I need to be clear.  I’m not gluten-free, I am now beyond gluten free.  Primal is no wheat, no rice, no refined carbohydrates.   That doesn’t mean that I don’t have a lot of food choices – all manner of protein, vegetable, fat, dairy and fruit choices are open to me.  I can eat potatoes – in moderation, right now I choose not to.

In reading the recipes I’ve been finding, I’m finding one things – some of the recipes sound boring so I’ve decided to make sure that the food I cook isn’t boring.  With that in mind, I’m going to start a pot of chicken and sausage gumbo shortly.  I’ll measure everything out so I have a formal recipe and post it tomorrow, who knows you may even get a picture of it.   I’m thinking that I’m going to try making a roux out of bacon fat and almonds – we’ll see how that goes.