Seeing the ease with which my friends Gann and Maiwen have their dinner at camping events made me stop and think about how I could duplicate it. Maiwen makes a variety of hot wraps which generally smell fantastic – they’re frozen ahead and reheated on the barbecue. That got me thinking about what recipe favorites I could adapt to wrap format because Thorsteinn and I are horrible about getting dinner planned unless it’s something that I’m really enthusiastic about.

Today for lunch I decided to adapt a recipe of my mother’s – cheeseburger pie. I’m not super thrilled with how it turned out, it wasn’t bad (it was quite good) but it didn’t have the right texture. I think that recipe is going to need something like a pot pie treatment but the wrap we did do was tasty.

To make it, you’d need
1 lb ground turkey
1 1/2 cup tomato sauce (I use homemade)
1 tsp garlic puree
1/4 cup minced onion
1/4 cup minced green/yellow/red pepper
grated cheese

Brown the turkey, add onions and garlic and saute until cooked well. Add tomato sauce and pepper. Cook until peppers softened and tomato sauce reduces by 3/4. Spoon meat mixture on tortilla, add cheese, roll.

I zapped these about 10 seconds in the microwave to melt the cheese. I’m wondering if I would have been happier if this had used mozzarella or some other cheese. I’m definitely going to try another. The next recipe we’re going to adapt is Morrocan Beef.